Non-executive director and board adviser
Independent non-executive director and board adviser in financial services;
published authority on operational and business risk in the UK and internationally within banking, insurance and related sectors;
over 25 years' experience in leading change and negotiation at Board, government ministerial and senior regulator level.
John Thirlwell on Twitter: @JohnThirlwell77
Mastering Operational Risk

Mastering Operational Risk - a practical guide to understanding operational risk and how to manage it
by John Thirlwell and Tony Blunden
'This book belongs in every risk manager's and line of business head's library.'
(Risk Management Association Journal)
'At last we have a book which offers a systematic and logical methodology for implementing an operational risk management programme.'
(Philip Martin, former Chairman of the Institute of Operational Risk)
In this practical guide, Tony Blunden and John Thirlwell, recognised experts in risk management,
show you how to manage operational risk and explain why operational risk management really will benefit your business.
Mastering Operational Risk includes:
- The business case for operational risk
- Risk and control assessment
- How to use operational risk indicators
- Reporting operational risk
- Modelling and stress-testing operational risk
- Business continuity and insurance
- Managing people risk
- Containing reputational damage
Preface to the First edition
Preface to the Second edition
How to buy
'Risk management solutions’